Friday, May 22, 2009

Oh Deer

Today I rode at Freedom Park after a long day. As usual the traffic to and from sucked ass, but I was somewhere else so it did not seem to annoy as much as usual. I reflected on times past, good and bad, old friends and the path that lead me to driving in the sunny 80 degree weather to go sweat like a pig after a busy if not harrowing work week. I could have just as easily gone home or put my head down anywhere and fallen asleep. However, I needed to clear the cobwebs and reshuffle some of the resident demons in my head. I had not rode my trusty Nomad since doing shuttle runs with some of the nutty Richmond DH/Chainsmoke crew outside of H'burg a few weeks back. That did not really seem like my bike though as I had kitted it out for the trip with DH wheels and tires giving it a completely different and much "heavier" feel. I returned to its normal set-up with the addition of a ti-spring from DSP. I am not really sure why I did this, but I had made a little spare kale selling some bike stuff on eBay so I figured I would treat myself. The Nomadizer rode fantastic today. I stuck everything I tried save one large barrel roll I bailed on and the bike floated like never before. It did seem to feel different then when I had a steel spring; overall much smoother without feeling "gooey".

The ride while intense allowed for some much needed solitude. I rocked my usual soundtrack and everything just flowed. Lots of "Sweet Air" to rip off Napoleon Dynamite. I saw not another soul. I suppose they all were headed out of town, or to BBQ's or whatever the choads around here do. I did see at least a half a dozen deer over the almost two hours that I rode. Maybe they were "stimulated" by the nice spring day. Fortunately none of them attempted to bust any of the moves exhibited below on me nor was any French spoken.

I know that I have been working hard as my forearms are very sore. Kinda like "Tennis Elbow" except for dentists. Maybe "Dentists Elbow". Often I daydream of less complicated times with the intensity and demands of my days now. I see pictures that get posted of me from years ago on social network sites and it seems like it was yesterday. It is likely that I thought everything was "too" complicated back then too, but who knows? Pour yrself a strong cocktail and listen to one of my favorite hate-filled numbers.


Anonymous said...

i love the image of reshuffling resident head demons. it's laborious living in this brainbox, so i understand what drives you to ride when a nap would do nicely for most.

anyone in their right mind with yours and deb's particular responsibilities, would dream of less complicated days.

you've both admirably chosen careers in which you're responsible for the well-being of others-- a weight unto itself.

plus, i read a study awhile back that suggested the best ratio of children to adults is 8:1. that's 8 adults, to one child... the kid has you outnumbered. :)

Anonymous said...

i love the image of reshuffling resident head demons. it's laborious living in this brainbox, so i understand what drives you to ride when a nap would do nicely for most.

anyone in their right mind with yours and deb's particular responsibilities, would dream of less complicated days.

you've both admirably chosen careers in which you're responsible for the well-being of others-- a weight unto itself.

plus, i read a study awhile back that suggested the best ratio of children to adults is 8:1. that's 8 adults, to one child... the kid has you outnumbered. :)